EV chargers

We install electric vehicle (EV) charging stations to provide sustainable, multi-functional platforms built on our existing base station ecosystem.

EV chargers

Fast and simple network densification

Smooth and efficient smart city deployment 

Sustainable, aesthetic solutions in harmony with the environment

Smart lampposts

We install internet access points on public lampposts, making them provide EV charging, digital advertising, parking metering and Wi-Fi.

Smart lampposts

Wide range of high-end housing solutions

Lease and asset management opportunities for owners and tenants

Accommodate all needs of a Smart City

Use cases

EV charging, Hungary
EV charging, Hungary
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Challenge: Replace the classic single-function operation with innovative multifunctional platforms that build on the existing base station ecosystem

Customer: Public sector

Solution: EV chargers of 2x22 kW AC units and 180 kW DC lightning units

“Today, digitalisation is an integral part of our lives, as exemplified by the unique solution of the international telecom base station provider. The electric car chargers will be installed by a large company and its partner, which has found a valuable collaboration between e-mobility, sustainable transport, and its own telecom base station service.”

Károly Balázs Solymár
Deputy State Secretary
Ministry of Energy


See how we contribute to introducing environmentally friendly and sustainable electric cars in Hungary.

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Smart Lamppost
Smart lampposts, Portugal
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Challenge: Share the same street-level infrastructure for connectivity solutions

Customer: Public sector

Solution: Transforming regular lamp-posts that can include applications such as Wi-Fi, various sensors, CCTV cameras and EV charging

“The partnership with Vantage Towers will enable cities to offer an integrated solution for the orderly expansion of 5G technology. Besides developing tools that allow changing the current para-digm in telecommunications and the provision of services at street level, it can also serve as an accelerator in the imple-mentation of Smart Cities.”

João Faria
Chief Growth Officer


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