Leading the way
How do we achieve our ambition? Deploying and developing state-of-the-art mobile infrastructure at scale and pace will accelerate Europe’s transition to 5G, resulting in the comprehensive coverage and smart cities that will revolutionise everyday lives.
Our ambition is one for truly sustainable connectivity throughout this journey: one that brings social, environmental and business benefits for all – both within Europe and in the role Europe plays in a wider, global context.
Focusing on three key areas
It’s essential that we take a truly 360-degree approach to the evolution of our business – and Europe – in the coming years. To maximise the positive impact of better connectivity, we have built our ambition-led strategy around three key pillars.

We firmly believe that diversity is a real driver of growth. As an agile-minded new company, and one built on the foundations of a world-leading telecommunications company, we combine an ingrained level of expertise and experience with an ambition to develop impactful, sustainable new solutions. These qualities enable us to overcome the challenges of our changing world. As such, we’re building a diverse team of brilliant thinkers, managers and engineers – creating an optimal talent mix for positively transforming the future.
It’s also crucial that our company fosters the type of culture that truly empowers our people: we favour entrepreneurial, collaborative and sustainability-conscious thinking; we are open to change and adopt a borderless mindset; we know that, as our business grows and develops, so too will our people’s careers and levels of personal fulfilment.
Our aim is for at least 30% of our talent base to be made up of female employees by the end of 2021.
It is no overstatement to say that Europe is facing unprecedented challenges. The COVID-19 pandemic – and the ensuing social/economic fallout – has made everyone more aware of just how important it is to stay connected.
Whether it’s through keeping family members in touch with one another, ensuring that businesses can continue to operate, or enabling crucial state services to function: we’re contributing to Europe’s resilience by forging strong value chains across the region. We’re doing so in a way that aids the region’s immediate recovery, development of a ‘new normal’ and long-term ability to thrive.

Network infrastructure – and the reliable connectivity it brings – is playing a key role in Europe’s emergence from the COVID-19 pandemic.

The environment
As we work to build a better digital future for the people of Europe, it’s also essential that we take steps to minimise our impact on the planet itself. Better connectivity brings with it the opportunity to advance new, greener ways of living and working.
How can we ensure that energy grids and other utilities run as efficiently as possible? How do we lessen congestion and overcrowding by making working from home truly viable? These are just some of the countless sustainability questions to which our infrastructure and technologies hold a key part of the answer. And while it’s true that increased connectivity and data usage requires more energy, the consumption per unit services delivered improves. Moreover, this will be offset by the emissions-reducing impact of IoT technologies and the services they facilitate.
Exploring greener solutions for powering our towers
Energy Management
At Vantage Towers, we strongly believe that the sustainable operation of our macro tower sites is the best way to achieve success on a long term. As such, we strive to optimise our efficiency by constantly improving our energy performance and reducing our power usage. Discover the three pillars through which we maintain the best energy management practices for our clients and society and learn about the related projects we’re most proud of.

Rural Connectivity
As a leading tower company in Europe, we are already driving the digital transformation in Germany with our fast-paced roll-out programme. However, there are still many areas where mobile data services are currently not possible. The federal funding program for mobile communications is an important initiative to close this gap and gradually take rural regions forward into the digital world.